Climate Equity Toolbox: A how-to guide for making municipal subsidy programs more socially just

  • Diese Toolbox gibt es auch auf Deutsch: Toolbox KlimagerechtigkeitEin Leitfaden zur Stärkung sozialer Gerechtigkeit in kommunalen Förderprogrammen.


This Climate Equity Toolbox speaks to people working in municipalities, especially city officials who are involved in the development of subsidy programs within their departments.

Structured along four key steps, it guides city practitioners through the process of designing subsidy programs in a more socially just way. The tools and resources it provides are drawn from collaboration and extensive exchanges with city officials and other stakeholders.

The content is structured in such a way that it can be used comprehensively following four steps of program development, while individual parts and resources - for example on communicating or monitoring a subsidy program - can also be freely extracted and applied to specific demands.

To make information as accessible as possible, each step is described in a dedicated chapter that provides a summary box, graphics and overviews, a checklist, and a case study for illustration.

Climate Equity Toolbox cover

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