Energy Citizenship Empowerment Kit7 Mar 2025A free, gamified tool that triggers and guides discussion about barriers to participation in the energy more
Community Energy Academy7 Mar 2025An online training programme that provides evidence-based knowledge, practical tools, and networking opportunities for people-centric energy more
Recommendations to support Energy Citizenship7 Mar 2025A comprehensive set of six policy briefs covering key issues for a just, sustainable and citizen-centred energy more
Climate Equity Toolbox: A how-to guide for making municipal subsidy programs more socially just16 Dec 2024Structured along four key steps, this publication guides city practitioners through the process of designing subsidy programs in a more socially just more
Toolkit for local governments and community led-initiatives27 Nov 2024Collaborative governance for just sustainability more
Partnering up for sustainable and just cities: Lessons from and for local governments and community-led initiatives 28 Oct 2024When it comes to making cities more ecologically sustainable and socially just, local governments and community-led initiatives (CLIs) are better more
The Power of Many19 Oct 2024How city officials can use co-creation for Just and Sustainable Cities (Publication)read more
Finding the resources to invest together14 Oct 2024Re-coding value and benefits (exersice materials)read more
INCLU:DE National Policy Paper - Chancengleichheit im Klimaschutz16 Sep 2024Dieses Policy Paper beleuchtet kommunale Förderprogramme in Deutschland und argumentiert für eine gerechtere Beteiligung von Personen, die Grundsicherung more