Fair Local Green Deals
Supporting the development of Local Green Deals in Valencia, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Wroclaw, Lodz and Ghent, using unique tailored approaches for involving citizens and...
“For our cities this project was like a trampoline!"
"New doors have opened with a very small push.
That makes us feel hopeful and motivated for more projects
and initiatives like this to try, test, and fail!"
City representatives at FLGD’s final event
At the conclusion of the implementation phase of the Fair Local Green Deals (FLGD) project, the ICLEI team and the city officials from Gent, Łódź, Valencia, Vitoria-Gasteiz, and Wrocław gathered to reflect on their journey, share experiences, and envision a potential future for cities Local Green Deals (LGDs). We summarise here key takeaways from the event.
Reflecting on the broader context of the project, some additional observations were shared by the partners:
Strategic partnerships provide necessary support and resources. The collaboration between all involved parties was instrumental in driving the FLGD project forward, enhancing the overall impact of cities’ actions on the ground.
Define the legacy of the project. Participants collaborated to articulate key messages for local actors, European cities, and policymakers, aiming to ensure that the principles and practices developed during the project will continue to inspire and guide future initiatives.
Strong commitment to maintaining the momentum gained and continuing to work towards sustainable, inclusive, and democratic local governance in future collaborations.
Drawings by Menah Wellen
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